Someone, real miserable people, esp to me, in real life is having their ultimate #FAFO moment (not related to politics) after ignoring and mocking our advice over and over again and I thought for sure it would end up being a #schadenfreude event but it's just a pitiful unnecessary set of events. No Schadenfreude.
Now, Penny and I are expected to pull them out of the ashes and 6 months ago it would have been something we would have considered, esp before Penny's heart attack and when the economy and our finances were better and more assured, but now, we must be firm. (Penny and I are in unison)
They mocked the FAFO warnings and now must live with the FAFO fallout. We're not able to go down with their ship. The events were totally preventable and foreseeable.
For a year or two, I figured there would be some Schadenfreude. I guess, in this instance, I am a better person than I thought I was. I thought at least, this would be an #AITA for enjoying it but no, no pleasure, just pity.